There is one major exception to this rule of thumb, however: my vacuum. I've managed to fix it multiple times, mostly using my own know-how, manuals I've found on the internet, and--in two separate instances--a replacement part that I bought on for less than $5.
Needless to say, every time I repair my vacuum I feel like a genius or a hero...or something. It is a tremendous sense of triumph to "win" over the broken thing, to have control over something that is messed up in my life! :)
My most recent triumph was when my vacuum's belt broke. I was minding my own business, vacuuming my living room, when I just slightly bumped the front into my TV stand. Unfortunately, it started to make a terrible noise and smelled like something was burning. (Smells-like-burning is pretty much always a bad sign.) I turned it off and took it apart at the bottom to find this had happened:
You can learn almost anything on the internet these days. Fixing a vacuum is relatively easy, especially when you take the time to understand how to works. Glad to know you fixed the belt. I have not encountered this problem using my vacuum, but I'll keep your post in mind if I ever have the same problem. Thanks for sharing!